How To Set-up Online Marketing Company: 5+ methods to set-up a business

Create An Online Marketing Company
Create your own business, This means solving a real problem or perceived problem that people are willing to pay you for.
I many cases a services based businesses are usually the easiest to start and easiest to create, you see a need and you fill it, internet has changed everything and this goes for business to every business owner out there know they need to be online to survive.
But most of them don’t have the time or the know how or it can be both scenarios to make an effective online campaign to actually work for them.
And that is where you come in. Creating your online marketing business is one of the fastest, most profitable business to get going quickly, the fact is that there are literally millions of business owners who need to get them out about their business online, you online have to tap into a tiny portion of that to have a great business with a very comfortable income.
Do you realize there a gold out there? and now your job is to of course go through this article, but once you take your time to read through this article, tap into that source of income that is out there waiting you will need the right tools and that of course what is this article is all about.
You can get profitable from the start and it will required you less than three hundred dollars $300 to get started. You don’t need a tone of money to make money you just dont.The only in this business at least you only need around two to three hundred dollars to get started.
The initial investment can easily turn into $500 or thousand dollars and more of revenue in your first month maybe even your first deal. This is a business that you can start on a shoestring budget.
You don’t need any investors you don’t need any partners you just need to save up your lunch money for couple of weeks and you can get started, so you know let me break it down for you, i will show you exactly what i am talking about.
Here is what you need to get started.
Logo-$12 -$30
Domain -$2 +
Hosting -$4 +
Website Template – $20 -$50
Business Cards -$20
Business entity creation -$99 +
Anytime you are buying something online try to look for coupon to deferred some part of the cost . So one thing to think about, there are some corners that you can cut if you really want .
But keep in mind that you are starting a real business here, you could grow this into something big and even sell some day. It is better to invest well right now at the beginning and have a solid foundation. If you desire a real business take it seriously.
Other Key Benefits
I want us to take a look at some key benefits that come in handy when thinking about this kind of business.
Extremely low overhead. You will have very few expenses on a monthly basis on the high end. You can be spending around five hundred and twenty-five dollars ($500) a month for everything and this includes your team, the people that you will be working for you.
So imagine spending twenty-five hundred dollars $2500 a month and get say $15000 or more in return. Extremely overhead is a great thing obviously also if you are working from home or working from just a small rented office your overhead is a lot lower than a traditional business as well.
Large Profit Margin

This relates to having a large profit margin because you will be naming your price for your services, the profit margin is up to you.
It will break down to the amount of value that you supply for your clients potential there is a huge potential in this business and how large you grow your business is up to you.
Maybe you are just looking to make an extra $50000 a year or maybe you want something bigger. Either way, there is no lack of business out there and you could scale this as big as you want.
Work Online

Being able to work wherever there is the internet really allows for a ridiculous amount of freedom, in fact you could even decide to go mobile and travel while you are growing your business or live in another country or city. With this business, you can work from anywhere and it’s not a fun thing to say this is real.
Flexible Schedule

Here is another great benefit by nature, online marketing gives you a great amount of leeway. All of your marketing actives are established by you and your clients so much of the work you do or have done. It can be scheduled out a day or even weeks ahead of time. In fact, you could even take off for a few weeks at a time and not miss a beat.
Resource For Learning Online Marketing.

As indicated your new business will solve a big problem that most business owners face.
When you chat with an owner of a locally based business a brick and mortar shop and you tell them that do you know how to get more customers through doors they are usually eager to learn more about how you can help them. And that, of course, happens by marketing online.
When you demonstrate your expertise, you are more likely to generate a good rapport with the client and have the right prices, then you close the deal, and as you move forward taking care of your clients more business will come on your way it really works.
Note that most business owner run in the same circles as other business owners and this is very referral friendly business. The truth is that once you are able to generate some nice results for your clients, you will start to get references left and right.
In fact 95% of your business comes in via referrals from current clients so don’t be surprised that once you put the word out that you can successfully that you can market a clients business online, you become the belle of the ball, I promise you , you will get a lot of good referrals.
Business owner are inundated with calls and e-mails on a daily basis about how they can get their business up on the internet.
When they talk to a real human face to face even sometimes they are more inclined to that. And once they jump on, they are going to tell of their business to their friends they have got this company that does a great job for me. You should check them out too.
So it will be boiled down to having the great value offering great services and getting results for your clients and once you do and you demonstrate that they are going to refer.
The point here is to teach you to be an online marketing business owner not necessarily an online marketing business “doer”.
My goal is to help you get to the top of the business. You will learn to create a team that will largely do the work for you and you will create a system that will largely do the job for you and a system that will track it all.
With that said, it really important to learn the basics.
This is when you identify what offering you would like to have as well as finding the right people to fill your team. Not to mention being able to sell your services while sounding like you actually know what you are talking and it doesn’t take much.
Once you know just a little more than your average business owner it comes up to online marketing you will be able to generate business.
Most business owners are busy doing what they know best and it’s your job to provide the online marketing solution.
So to help you get started with, here some resource or just few places to checkout.



They obviously know their stuff when it comes to marketing and just can learn from them. Try as much as you can to absorb everything you can from those site.
More importantly, put it into practice. So every now and then here a great tip to constantly stay on the cutting edge with your business.
Let say that you have a lot of dentist contact and you want to really help them with their social media. So every now and then go to YouTube, Google research something like how to use Pinterest for a dentist or whatever your client base is made up.
This way you can keep your services fresh and valuable. And this way also keep you providing the best services you can for your clients.
They will be happy and they will of course be happy to send you referrals which makes you happy again
Setting Expectation-Building It Mentally First

Before starting any business it should be built mentally first.
For us to get the real nuts and bolts of setting up your business we need to him in it and focus on the metal side of thing the mental stuff is just as if not more important than the actual physical steps that you will take to create your business.
The aim here isn’t to get all life coachy on you but for really to put in place some real concrete ideas that will translate into tangible outcomes for your business.
We can’t underestimate the mental side of thing is just as important at the beginning and then a little bit checking in as you are building your business. But at the beginning you need to take a look at few things.
So these things includes; Employee to business owner mindset, you vision and mission, motivation and goals. Basically you need to remember why you are getting into this in the first place.
“You must be willing to work like people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t”
You have to make a big mindset shift from being an employee to become a business owner. As a business owner you are thinking about everything like getting new clients ,making sure production happens, invoicing and more.
You should remember this concept, You are not going to do all of the work by yourself and the first thing you need to think about this is instead of thinking I have got this done today, you are going to think like who can I find to get this done today.
This might seem like another obvious concept but you would be surprised at how tempting it is just to do everything yourself.
But this is not how a business owner grows a business, instead they put together a team to do so the majority of the work for them.
Don’t get me wrong there will be plenty of work for you to do but most of it will be spent in driving more revenue. You should have a team that will be able to take care of most of the clients work for you.
Business Partners

When you start making money with your new business it will attract the attention of others around you. In fact, some people will even like to partner with you, this could be your house mate, a friend, whoever it is some will want to partner with you.
They think they might be able to bring something to the table no matter how tempting or how great it may seem. Stay true to your business and what you will learn from this article is all that you need to but model off of. You will have a working business model by the time you go through this article and you can stay true to this model.
It’s important that as you avoid partnership that you form a team of people working for you. This is much different that having people work with you or making money together.
This is people helping you make more money and your paying them in turn for their work that they perform so it a much more leverage position to be in, however it’s important that you are not in a business by yourself the solution instead of having a business partner is to have what is known as a strategic accountability.
This is a partner that is not related to our business in any way in other words you are not making directly together and you might have similar businesses or in similar industries so that you can understand one another’s business. The goal is to meet regularly face to face or via any chat messengers being skype,facebook,zoom,teamviewer. etc.
And the goal is to keep each other moving forward and keep thing that you talk about would be key challenges that you are facing.
Setting up a weekly goal and also sharing any insights or tips now, the key challenges is great because haven’t in an ability partner who you can share these challenges which are facing and you can share this challenge.
You can bounce them off of somebody else, they might have experience some insight that can help you also by setting a weekly goal, you know that whenever you meet again on Monday morning or Friday morning.
Whatever this makes you know that there is an action to be taken on item it’s a great way to keep you accountable and keep you moving forward in your business.
Also it’s a great opportunity to share any insights or tips as a business owner you are going to have a lot of decisions to make with software should be use as well as apps to keep your business, What to do with employee, how to handy payroll and other stuff that you can think off.
Business Owner Master Mind Group

Also, you may consider joining a mastermind group. This is basically the same thing as an accountability partner but it’s a group of business owners generally their monthly meeting of CEOs and business owners who help each other to move forward.
At the beginning of your business you might face challenges and with meeting of CEOs or people in similar business are your will help you to overcome those challenge easily.
How To Set Effective Goals

As a business owner you need to set some concrete goals and that’s where we spend them quite a bit of time talking about your vision, now you need a goals that are going to help you with action steps to get you forward and this is pretty easy to do.
Just answer the question. How much do you want to make on a monthly basis?
Think about it on a personal level and then on a business level you could break it down to the first three months and the following six month that you have a year out, for example let say you want to make
$50K/first year
$1K/first month
$2K/second month
$5K/following months
now you shouldn’t say easily because it going to take work. But you know by setting these goals for yourself and then achieving them that’s how you would be able to reach them. The key here is to make a business goal(revenue) and a personal goal(net income).
You ask yourself how much will the business make and do you want to pay yourself each month. The key here is too specific and being realistic right now don’t get bogged down in the long term goals, the goal of this is to get you up and running and fast.
So make your first-month goal, your second-month goal, and then your annual goal and do this for you and the business, and here is the key part you have to write it out post it on the wall by your desk or put it on a post-it note on your computer.
Whatever you do so that it’s something that you will be able to see on a daily basis, you will see this actually in your business plan that were going to learn about it as you keep on reading.
Having specific goals will keep you motivated during the month. Sometimes it gets hard and sometimes all you really need to do is to look at that the numbers to get yourself motivated. Pick up the phone and make another call or send another email for another game plan or proposal whatever it is.
If you have a general goal of more money you might get a client or two but you will be leaving a lot on the table, ideally the more specific you can get the better the number is ideally. The number should be just beyond what you think, you can do.
So if you think you can make a thousand dollars a month easily it $2000 a month and this should scared you a little bit and this will put your faith into work for you, new doors will open random people will call you up and more clients will flow your way. it’s true that when your set intension is clear when you are working hard.
Everything will line up to help you realize your goal. I know it this sounds a little life coachy but it’s true. it really happens and that where you have to be crystal clear in your vision and your motivation and then crystal clear setting concrete goals again on an annual basis and on a monthly basis and then on annual and from there as specific as you want to get weekly or daily. For me monthly basis it works out just fine.
Lets Quickly Size Up The Competition

So by now you should be clear on what an online marketing company does as well as what you want to achieve by owing your own company, now is the time to start crafting your own offer to brainstorm.
It’s best to start the scene by scene what the competition is doing. Now think about this when I say competition I mean other online marketing companies out there.
The goal here though isn’t to take on these companies directly or train it or train still steal their clients for sure take my word for it there is more than enough business out there don’t fall victim to this scarcity mindset it will hurt the growth of your business.
There are literally millions of companies out there that need your help and will share with you how to access them coming up in a few years from now. But first, just say with me there is more than enough business out there.
The more reason you are going to size up your competition or take a look at what others are doing is to get a feel for how they are actually doing things, you are not going to copy them but you are going to be inspired by them.
It will help brainstorm and help you get around ideas of what you yourself want to do, so get started pull up the internet and start with some words like online marketing company or internet marketing company, you could also use agency or firm whatever other words that are similar to see what you get.
You can also try getting even more specific with words like video marketing and social media and reputation management. And at this point, you should also begin to think of how you can niche down and perhaps offer specific valuable services.
What you need to look For;
-business name
-social media
-Services and pricing

What comes up when you search for the keywords you chose? Who comes up first? what does their website look like? Are they professional, and do you personally think their clients or potential clients are impressed as well? check to see the website with websites look like on your phone and also on your tablet if you want to make sure that their website is up to date and are mobile-friendly.
Business Name

What are the name of business that you are seen, are they self -explanatory like marketing and service for a plumber or are they more ambiguous. Pay attention to the names that you see as you start to think about your own business name social media.
Social media

Do they link out to their own social media platforms? Do they have followers? Are they actually marketing? Are they actually marketing?

Do they make good use of color as part of their brand?
what colors appeal to you?

what does their logo look like?is it memorable?
How does it work with the rest of their brand?
Does the business have a tagline? if so, does it state what they do?
Does it share a benefit for their ideal customer?

what kind of services do they offer? Are they industry specific or do they focus in on a particular services? Or maybe they offer just video marketing service for anyone.

Do they have prices listed on their website? If so, do you think they are reasonable?
if you would were contact these people with these prices look fair to you?
Call To Action

Does the company drive a specific action? like, click here to learn more, download your free guide to internet marketing for lawyers.
Search Similar website on Google

Let visit Google to see some of those similar website using our keyword “Internet marketing agency”
How To Create Your Own Unique Offer.

Now it time to establish your services, after looking at the competition you should have a pretty good idea of what you want to do.
Ideally, you know that you know what you would like to offer if you are going to focus on one particular industry. So now you need to set up your own service, so fi
rst ask yourself how would you be different from the 10 million other online marketing companies.
Will you be different from the million other online marketing companies out there? what will set you apart? Maybe it will be your particular service, well maybe it will be your particular approach, you have to really spend some time figuring out how you will stand out and you are going to need this as you talk to potential clients.
And I will tell you why this is important to think about because business owners are bombarded almost every day from companies like Facebook and others skewing and more all trying to get them to spend money on marketing, being able to concisely distinguish what sets you apart and how you will be able to help benefit your clients.
This will help them decide to go with you over everybody else. So I will emphasize this again think of how you would distinguish yourself from the other business out there come up with a great benefit for your potential clients and then hammerer this when you are busy selling before we get to defining your exact offer.
Think about your business from operational point of view, right now is important to think about your business, so how much do you want to do business and how much do you want to be involved with your clients.
Clients Like Packages
We want to talk about few packages.
Clients like packages they like to see all of the services that they will get in a nice tidy little bundle, and this creates actually a couple of nice advantages for you first of all is easy to scale so when you show people the list out every all the work that’s going to happen in their package you, you can use this in any of the production.
So you might be able to create a literal checklist that your team can work from each month.
This means your client will know exactly what they are getting and what they are paying for when they see everything listed out in the package, it tells them what they are going to give you a check for.
Also it means you will know exactly what your team should be working on at given time during the month when they are doing their work for your client moreover we know that people do business with people they know, like and trust this lead to more referrals.
That kind of packages you create are really based on the exact services you want to offer let say for example you really want to focus on social media, you could crate packages that offer facebook and twitter posting together with rolling down Penshurst Instagram and more.
Simply list down everything that you do include the platforms, you are going to post on what kind of content you are going to post there frequently, etc.
You can offer services like reputation management, Social Media, Video Creation and marketing, blogging/content creation, Website development, mobile apps, and SEO.
Consider before you have to get your Niche down, Maybe you only do YouTube marketing and you can even get more specific, you can do YouTube marketing for real estate agents.
How Much To Charge

This is one critical area you need to take care when dealing with it because it first of all directly affects how much money make in your business and also there is a lot of psychology behind it so when you have your packages in place you need to think about how much you want to charge them.
The first thing to do is revisit your goals how much do you want to make and by when?
Maybe you want to follow Wal-Mart model go cheap and undercut the competition. Or maybe you want to follow a Nordstrom model and provide to notch service but at the premium price or maybe you want somewhere in between like a J.C Penny, I leave to you to make the best out of this.
Think about what kind of client you want to have in many cases the smaller client can come in with a smaller price point it will be more hassle and they will demand more.
Whereas in my experience the more Nordstrom like client often just trust you do a good job and they leave you alone.
Just be sure with those clients especially that you deliver as promised the amount of work to actually acquire the client is about the same regardless of their budget.
Note that from my experience that going for let’s say the middle class to upper-class businesses tend to yield the greatest return with the least amount of hassle. For example, Client paying $250/mo
Client Paying $1000/mo
Guess who was the bigger hassle?
I am sure by now you have your answer, so the moral of the story really is to think about your ideal clients and what they look like. it will take some adjusting but soon you will figure out who your perfect client are based on, it pretty easy based on how much they are willing to pay in.
One thing you should also note is that don’t be afraid to fire clients, when you first starting out you may be tempted to work with everyone but you will soon realize that there are some clients that just aren’t worth the time invested, this will save you a lot of heartache a lot of headaches and you will be able to make more money because you are not dealing with someone that is giving you a lot of hassle.
Another thing to consider regarding pricing is to price your service based on what you think you can get, obviously there is going to be a little trial on trial and error here for sure but soon you will get a feel for what the market is willing to spend.
Most clients just to therefore I most clients aren’t willing to spend $1000 for you to post Twitter. On the other hand if you can consistently get them raking on page one and they are getting phone calls every day from new customers most of them would be happy to pay you at least a thousand dollar a month. Again you have to think about your service who your ideal clients are and then just go from there.
Here is a quick tip on actually pricing your package with your packages.
with your packages 1,2,&3 price them like this:
Package # 1 – $349
Package # 2 -$449
Package # 3 -$ 749
Note is just an example it maybe that your first package #1 could start from $899 or more or less.
the most important thing is for you to follow the pattern that is laid out.
Let me explain the psychology of how it all works package number is there to serve an anchor set the minimum price for your services .
Package #2 is the one you really want to sell, people will see how much more they can get for just slightly bigger investment and they will compare. Clients are going to compare to package one. They think well gee for 100 more bucks I guess I can get this much more. it just 100 bucks and we get all this much more services.
Here Is The Fun Thing
Package #3 is the magic bullet it really high number not too high can’t be ridiculous but it makes number to look even better. People think well I would love to get package number three but i can really afford package number two and Package #3 and package #2 is a great deal. This method really works!
The huge majority of people in my experience will go for the middle package #2
Now let’s explore the actual dollar amount online. There is heated debate about with among marketers about ending the member in a nine versus zero for example $99 VRE $200.
Everyone knows that $199 is really like $200! but someone seeing the one in the hundreds column create versus a to create a psychological trigger and tells us that its cheaper so when we are just quickly looking at it we think oh when $99 is not two hundred dollars.
But you release again no its two hundred dollars it’s just a dollar away from spending that amount of money is somehow seeing that one there really makes this thing as cheaper online. I found personally in my own business i found great success with the numbers $349 $449 $749.
Again you have to take into account the services that you offer and it that’s fair.
Building Your Brand;

A key strategy to make it memorable
let talk about building your brand strategy and make it a memorable part creating a solid online marketing company is having a great brand.
In fact, there are agencies out there whose entire purpose is solely to create brands for companies. Your brand is your business overall image.
Branding is important to distinguish your business and to really set it apart from the others. Your brand is going to break down into six primary concepts.
1.Your unique selling proposition
2.Your ideal clientele
3.Your business name
4.Your tagline
5.Your colors
6.Your logo
so first of all we are going to talk about your unique selling proposition USP,
Number two we are going to talk about your ideal clientele.
Number three we are going to talk about your business name.
Number four we will be looking into tagline if you chose to even to have one.
Number five we will see your color choice
Six will be logo
How to Create A Business Plan In 5 Minutes
well guess what you already did that when you made your call and when you looked at your competition, you also read about your brand and your key service offering that should already sound familiar to you as well because we have already done that.
Basically, if you have already followed the action steps so far in the preceding lecture you would have done all of this already.
Really the point of having a business plan is to get organized when you launch out you will know exactly what you are doing and have a crystal clear focus.
So in the interest of saving time and getting you to money-making as fast as possible, you can take my word for, there’s a genuine need in the market place and online you can do very well with your new online marketing business.
Answer this questions

what is your company name?
what is your company tagline
what problem do you solve? what service do you provide? who is your target audience or what does your ideal client look like?
what is your UPS?
How much do you charge?
What is your monthly revenue goal?
How many new or repeat clients do you need to achieve this goal?
How do you get new clients?
How will you fulfill your services? Who makes up your production team?
How will you measure success?
That is it you just created a business plan!
How To Set Up Shop On And Offline.

Once you have your business plan in place and everything else is now established it is time to make your business legit.
so this includes creating a real legal entity setting up your business bank account to be able to take payment as well as your online presence with your website and your other platforms. This portion might take up to a week to process base on how quickly you get everything set up.
How To Take Payment.

As part of your business set up, you need to have a business account where you can receive funds and this account should be separate from another account that you have.
In fact, your bank may offer an online payment solution to get started but PayPal works perfectly. And PayPal is a very well known payment system worldwide and very easy to use
Getting PayPal account is very easy you just go to and then you go the business section then follow the instructions step by step and within about five to ten minutes your account setup will be completed in no time.
How To Set Up Your Website

Your website is a digital representation of your business, we are not supposed to judge a book by the cover but we do and when people online make no mistake, people will judge your business by your website especially if they are looking to build their website for their business and then handle their online marketing.
First, you need to buy a domain, the domain is the virtual address of your website it’s the www.your business you can get a domain name from GoDaddy .com or HostGator, name cheap. with your domain and hosting place, it’s time to build your website.
Your website will be your tool for everything for free or for your potential clients looking at your business check out the services you offer in the packages that you have.
you can also have your payment processing happen all on your website and is your home base online. So in fact when your potential clients are looking at you they are making a purchasing decision based on your website.
Though is not easy to create a website my favorite to get up and running quickly is WordPress started off as a blight blogging but it has now evolved into something much more robust now called a content management system
Why chose wordpress
Is free to install on your site
Is user friendly and gives you full control of your site
Is incredibly Google friendly
Is easy to deging using temple called themes
Is highly functional with limitless pluginin
Has a killer blogging feature already installed.
it is incredibly easy to work with even beginners can use it.
Insert screen shot of wordpress on a control panel
You must to get if possible a premium theme and plug-in.
Your website should include ;
To make your job simple go back to your competitors look at their website check what you like and what you don’t like so that you can get a better website for your business.
whiles you do this remember to keep your site clean and simple as possible.
How To Set Up Your Sale System; This should include your outbound effort , calling people, networking etc. Think about the last five clients that you got where you did they come form and then go there if they all came in from word of mouth or from a particular city.
Think about what really works and this will be part of the operational manual.
Key Tools To Use On A Daily Basis

These tool help you in your daily activities, your system creation needs the right tools and the I will show you some tool that I found helpful in my own business on a daily basis.
There are of course more tools than what I am going to show you but these are the ones that have proven to be most effective for me and my team and they are pretty straight forward , I will break them down by topic and also let you know I will put links of all these.

Gmail or Outlook-both work to process your business email as in you
Productivity/Team Collaboration
Asana,Basecamp,Trello-after using Basecamp for a long time, Asana is now my favorite and its free to use.
File Storage

Google Drive or Dropbox
You can use Dropbox when sharing files with client and use Google drive
Note Taking

Evernote, you can clip anything from the web to online or what comes to your mind, you feel there is something you need to do.

Streak, with CRM you want to make sure that you stay in touch with your clients. Staying in touch with your prospect and have a way to manage that. With streak you can integrate with your G-mail.
QuickBooks ;

In fact, it’s actually has a number of pricing options based on your business needs templates.
Business Templates

MS Word or Online, it’s really simple either Microsoft. The business template is referring to any of the invoices or reports. You can get something online like sales proposal template customize and make it what you want to use.
How To Build Your Team

Note that in order to grow in your business you need to hire a team since you cannot do everything yourself. You need to work with virtual staff to buy more time to become more productive and build your dream business.
As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to do everything yourself but to put it simply you need to hire a team to make more money.
2 Options To Hire :
1-hire domestically
2- hire internationally
You can hire marketing and the technical side things internationally. Your job is to get the best result for your client while bring in the most revenue you can.
Always think of best results for your client while bringing in the most revenue that you can for your own business.
We live in the digital world and its full of very bright and talented people and many of those are found in any part of the world.
Find the best talent at the most competitive rates so you can service your clients while growing your business.
Let see a sample of online marketing company.

Where To Find A Good Team Members

First of all bear in mind that finding good people might not be an easy task.
You must know that your interest in your brand and your work and even your own reputation is the hands of others people and sometimes it’s scary especially as an entrepreneur with that super hero syndrome wanting to do everything yourself because you might end up pilling whole load on yourself.
craigslist and LinkedIn have proven to be very effective place to find candidate, just be ready to pull your ad after you get hundreds of application in one day.
More people are likely to apply to your ad when they see words like a remote work arrangement or work from home or telecommuting.
However, you can search for a team using freelancers’ websites. After receiving the application you have to narrow down your applicants to around 10 so that you can start interacting with them.
Pay attention to their response time, if they are quick to get back to you, this should tell you how quick they can be ,when they take a little while to get to you is not a good sing especially from the start when they are trying to get a job.
This time narrow down to the top three (3) candidates and then do a personal interview with them and this can be done with Skype, Google hangout etc . Once you are done you can now chose your preferred candidate.
Note that Setting up your business can be a great thing that can ever happen to you.